Dr. Liansheng liu DA, Ph.D (RI)

Dr. Liu's journey in the realm of traditional Chinese medicine commenced in 1986 upon his graduation from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He specialized in acupuncture during a comprehensive five-year course and gained invaluable experience through an internship at the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of TCM in China. Over the years, he served as a resident at Tianjin TCM Hospital and advanced to the position of Chief of Resident, employing a holistic approach by integrating acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Western Medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of various ailments. Dr. Liu's commitment to education extended to clinical practice teaching for foreign students from Germany, the United Kingdom, and Australia in China.

Continuing his academic pursuits, Dr. Liu pursued a Ph.D. degree at a Medical University in Japan, supported by prestigious Japanese government scholarship awards. As a doctoral candidate, he conducted groundbreaking research on the effects of acupuncture analgesia, focusing on pain inhibitory pathways in Chinese Medicine meridian theory and their correlation with Western Modern Medicine. This pioneering study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Neuroscience Research (2000), has significantly contributed to the treatment of headaches, migraines, odontalgia, facial pain, and garnered widespread recognition in academic and clinical research across the United States and internationally. Dr. Liu's extensive expertise transcends acupuncture, encompassing neurodegenerative diseases, endocrinological disorders, alcohol neurotoxicity, anti-cancer drugs' impact on tumor treatment, blood stem cell biology, nutrition's role in bone development, and Chinese Herbs for osteoarthritis. He is highly regarded for his remarkable ability to treat patients effectively and communicate proficiently in three languages: Chinese Mandarin, English, and Japanese.

Dr. Liu's scholarly contributions span a multitude of subjects, showcasing his dedication to research and knowledge dissemination, with numerous published studies in esteemed journals. Notably, his work on acupuncture analgesia with animal models stands as one of the most cited publications, illuminating the suppressive effects of acupuncture and advancing the understanding of acupuncture analgesia mechanisms within the framework of Western medicine. As a certified acupuncturist by NCCAOM (National Certification) and a licensed acupuncturist in Rhode Island, Dr. Liu's impact continues to grow, reaching more individuals in the United States as acupuncture and Chinese Medicine gain prominence under his expertise.

刘廉生博士, 八十年代毕业于天津中医药大学五年制针灸专业,曾在天津市中医医院针灸科门诊和病房多年。诊治坐骨神经疼,急慢性腰痛,三叉神经痛, 血管神经性头痛, 风湿性关节炎, 网球肘, 颈椎病,颈部和肩部疼痛各种疼痛,花粉过敏,戒烟,神经性皮炎,面神经麻痹,高血压,中风后遗症等脑血管疾病,早泄,阳痿,不育等男科疾病 ,痛经,月经不调,绝经期综合征,不孕等妇科以及失眠,肥胖症,美容,神经衰弱等内分泌疾病。临床效果显著深受广大患者的好评和爱戴。

刘医师曾获日本神经学医学博士学位,并从事针灸治疗疼痛的神经生理生化方面研究并发表在Neuroscience Research 杂志。刘博士在美国大学的医学院,药学院和医院继续从事医学研究。

刘博士精于传统针灸,方法独特包括体针,梅花针,艾灸, 刮痧,火罐并通晓现代医学检查和诊断,有三十余年临床经验并可以用中文普通话,英语和日语三种语言与病人交流。